Anna Schumaker 3027ec5ba7 Add support for fetching direct messages
Signed-off-by: Anna Schumaker <>
2016-11-16 15:52:42 -05:00

78 lines
2.4 KiB

# Copyright 2015 (c) Anna Schumaker.
from . import chat
# This class represents a slack "thread", which could be a channel, group,
# or chat. Note that child classes need to implement the following methods:
# - do_fetch_info(): Call <whatever>.info to find unread count and timestamp.
# - do_fetch_messages(): Call <whatever>.history to find unread messages.
# - do_mark_messages(): Call <whatever>.mark to set unread cursor.
class Thread:
def __init__(self, json):
self.__id = json.get("id", 0)
self.__name = json.get("name", "").title()
self.__topic = json.get("topic", {}).get("value", "").encode("utf-8").decode(errors="replace")
self.__purpose = json.get("purpose", {}).get("value", "").encode("utf-8").decode(errors="replace")
self.__unread = json.get("unread_count", None)
self.__last_ts = json.get("last_read", None)
def __str__(self):
if self.__topic != "":
topic = "\nTopic: %s" % self.__topic
return "%s: %s%s" % (self.__name, self.__purpose, topic)
def fetch_info(self):
json = self.do_fetch_info()
if json != None:
self.__unread = json.get("unread_count", None)
self.__last_ts = json.get("last_read", None)
self.__id = json.get("id", 0)
def id(self):
return self.__id
def is_member(self):
return True
def name(self):
return self.__name
def url(self, base):
return "%s/messages/%s/" % (base, self.__name)
def read(self):
if self.__last_ts == None:
# Read original message list
o_list = []
for message in self.do_fetch_messages(self.__last_ts):
if message["text"] != None and len(message["text"]) > 0:
o_list += [ chat.Message(message) ]
# Merge together messages from the same user
m_list = [ o_list[0] ]
for msg in o_list[1:]:
if msg.user() == m_list[-1].user():
m_list += [ msg ]
return m_list
def unread_count(self):
if self.__unread == None:
return self.__unread
def post(self, text):
chat.post_message(self.__id, text)