Anna Schumaker anna
anna pushed to 3.1-texture-cache at anna/emmental 2023-10-20 11:41:06 -04:00
a03e5542ab tracklist: Use the Texture Cache for album art
62b374f29d sidebar: Use the Texture Cache for album art and user icons
1df9303abf texture: Save the Texture Cache items to disk
8ca4506d1f texture: Add a Texture Cache
a0d5aeed62 gsetup: Add a CACHE_DIR path
Compare 7 commits »
anna pushed to 3.0.7 at anna/emmental 2023-10-20 11:40:44 -04:00
4bc88f2722 db: Reload the New Tracks playlist at midnight
f3639fc487 alarm: Add functions for setting an alarm
Compare 2 commits »
anna pushed to 3.0.7 at anna/emmental 2023-10-18 12:53:28 -04:00
c1fa3601ca db: Save and restore the track added date when deleting a Track
072264a77c db: Upgrade the database version to 2
e7526f595f db: Give the db an executescript() function
7d2ec00da7 options: Don't set GLib.OptionEntry.arg
Compare 4 commits »
anna pushed to 3.1-texture-cache at anna/emmental 2023-10-18 12:53:21 -04:00
c8798cd454 tracklist: Use the Texture Cache for album art
0a0e4ae1a3 sidebar: Use the Texture Cache for album art and user icons
0653389d3f texture: Save the Texture Cache items to disk
18c64840ba texture: Add a Texture Cache
55641a5849 gsetup: Add a CACHE_DIR path
Compare 12 commits »
anna opened issue anna/emmental#71 2023-10-13 09:40:40 -04:00
Investigate fixed size Now Playing text
anna opened issue anna/emmental#70 2023-10-13 09:35:54 -04:00
Add a vertical mode for tall, narrow windows
anna opened issue anna/emmental#69 2023-10-12 14:32:12 -04:00
Add ListenBrainz support
anna opened issue anna/emmental#68 2023-10-12 14:29:20 -04:00
Create a UI layout for short, narrow windows
anna opened issue anna/emmental#67 2023-10-12 14:25:39 -04:00
Create a vertical Now Playing card
anna opened issue anna/emmental#66 2023-10-12 14:23:51 -04:00
Add a horizontal mode for short, wide windows
anna opened issue anna/emmental#65 2023-10-12 14:19:06 -04:00
Switch to using an Adw.OverlaySplitView
anna pushed to 3.1-texture-cache at anna/emmental 2023-09-15 16:37:54 -04:00
5b5f6cf398 tracklist: Use the Texture Cache for album art
anna pushed tag xfstestsdb-1.5 to anna/xfstestsdb 2023-08-31 15:53:11 -04:00
anna pushed to main at anna/xfstestsdb 2023-08-31 15:53:11 -04:00
528444cab6 xfstestsdb 1.5
952889687f gtk: Add a MessagesView to the XfstestsView
ea2913429c gtk: Create a MessagesView
5fb9bd6221 gtk: Create a MessageView
54be8f5ce3 gtk: Give the TestCaseView a show-messages signal
Compare 12 commits »
anna pushed to 3.0.7 at anna/emmental 2023-08-30 13:42:33 -04:00
70d7f5fa70 tracklist: Use the Gtk.ColumnView.scroll_to() function for scrolling
2504f4b91d sidebar: Add a timeout when selecting playlists on load
7358183fef sidebar: Use the Gtk.ListView.scroll_to() function for scrolling
Compare 3 commits »
anna created branch 3.0.7 in anna/emmental 2023-08-30 13:42:33 -04:00
anna pushed to main at anna/xfstestsdb 2023-08-29 10:44:18 -04:00
2deb484754 xfstestsdb 1.4
af1ab81ea2 gtk: Increase the default Window size
3dc8179624 gtk: Add a PropertyView to the XfstestsView
c145a67ae6 gtk: Add a PropertyView
7ae246677b gtk: Add a PropertyFactory
Compare 10 commits »
anna pushed tag xfstestsdb-1.4 to anna/xfstestsdb 2023-08-29 10:44:15 -04:00
anna pushed to 3.1-texture-cache at anna/emmental 2023-08-24 10:03:12 -04:00
fa71fd5bf6 sidebar: Use the Texture Cache for album art and user icons
642e05e63e texture: Save the Texture Cache items to disk
db7e5280d7 texture: Add a Texture Cache
d4f6334e4c gsetup: Add a CACHE_DIR path
c195e68216 Emmental 3.0.6 AUR commit
Compare 21 commits »
anna deleted branch 3.1-sidebar from anna/emmental 2023-08-24 10:01:37 -04:00