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# Copyright 2022 (c) Anna Schumaker.
"""A customized Gtk.SignalListItemFactory for easier use."""
import typing
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gio
from gi.repository import Gtk
class ListRow(GObject.GObject):
"""Extra state that we attach to the Gtk.ListItem."""
listitem = GObject.Property(type=Gtk.ListItem)
def __init__(self, listitem: Gtk.ListItem, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a ListRow object."""
GObject.GObject.__init__(self, listitem=listitem, **kwargs)
self.bindings = []
def do_bind(self) -> None:
"""Bind the list item to the child widget."""
def do_unbind(self) -> None:
"""Unbind the list item from the child widget."""
def bind_active(self, item_prop: str) -> None:
"""Bind a property to the Row's active property."""
self.bind_and_set(self.item, item_prop, self, "active")
def bind_and_set(self, src: GObject.GObject, src_prop: str,
dst: GObject.GObject, dst_prop: str,
bidirectional: bool = False,
invert_boolean: bool = False) -> None:
"""Bind and set a property from the src object to the dst object."""
f_bidir = GObject.BindingFlags.BIDIRECTIONAL if bidirectional else 0
f_invrt = GObject.BindingFlags.INVERT_BOOLEAN if invert_boolean else 0
src_value = src.get_property(src_prop)
value = not src_value if invert_boolean else src_value
dst.set_property(dst_prop, value)
self.bindings.append(src.bind_property(src_prop, dst, dst_prop,
f_bidir | f_invrt))
def bind_and_set_property(self, item_prop: str, child_prop: str,
bidirectional: bool = False,
invert_boolean: bool = False) -> None:
"""Bind and set a list item property."""
self.bind_and_set(self.item, item_prop, self.child, child_prop,
bidirectional, invert_boolean)
def bind(self) -> None:
"""Bind the list item to the child widget."""
def unbind(self) -> None:
"""Unbind the list item from the child widget."""
for binding in self.bindings:
@GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False)
def active(self) -> bool:
"""Get the active state of this Row."""
if self.listrow is not None:
return self.listrow.has_css_class("emmental-active-row")
return False
def active(self, newval: bool) -> None:
if self.listrow is not None:
if newval:
def child(self) -> Gtk.Widget | None:
"""Get the child widget displayed by this Row."""
return self.listitem.get_child()
def child(self, newval: Gtk.Widget) -> None:
def item(self) -> GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT:
"""Get the list item for this Row."""
return self.listitem.get_item()
def listrow(self) -> Gtk.Widget:
"""Get the listrow widget that our child widget is contained in."""
return self.listitem.props.child.props.parent
class InscriptionRow(ListRow):
"""A ListRow for displaying Gtk.Inscription widgets."""
item_property = GObject.Property(type=str)
def __init__(self, listitem: Gtk.ListItem, item_property: str,
xalign: float = 0.0, numeric: bool = False) -> None:
"""Create a new Gtk.Label."""
super().__init__(listitem, item_property=item_property)
self.child = Gtk.Inscription(xalign=xalign)
if numeric:
def do_bind(self) -> None:
"""Bind a ListItem to the Label."""
self.bind_and_set_property(self.item_property, "text")
class TreeRow(ListRow):
"""A ListRow for displaying child widgets in a Tree."""
n_children = GObject.Property(type=int)
have_children = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False)
indented = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=True)
def __init__(self, listitem: Gtk.ListItem, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Create a new TreeRow."""
super().__init__(listitem, **kwargs)
self.bind_property("n-children", self, "have-children")
self.bind_property("have-children", listitem.get_child(),
self.bind_property("indented", listitem.get_child(), "indent-for-icon")
def bind(self) -> None:
"""Bind a TreeRow to the TreeExpander."""
def bind_n_children(self, children: Gio.ListModel | None) -> None:
"""Bind to the n-items property of the child listmodel."""
if children is not None:
self.bind_and_set(children, "n-items", self, "n-children")
def unbind(self) -> None:
"""Unbind a TreeRow from the TreeExpander."""
def child(self) -> Gtk.Widget | None:
"""Get the child widget displayed by this Row."""
return self.listitem.get_child().get_child()
def child(self, newval=Gtk.Widget) -> None:
def item(self) -> GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT:
"""Get the list item for this Row."""
return self.listitem.get_item().get_item()
class Factory(Gtk.SignalListItemFactory):
"""A customized Factory for making list row widgets."""
def __init__(self, row_type: typing.Type[ListRow], **kwargs):
"""Initialize a ListFactory."""
self.row_type = row_type
self.connect("setup", self.__setup, kwargs)
self.connect("bind", self.__bind)
self.connect("unbind", self.__unbind)
self.connect("teardown", self.__teardown)
def __setup(self, factory: Gtk.SignalListItemFactory,
listitem: Gtk.ListItem, kwargs: dict) -> None:
listitem.listrow = self.row_type(listitem, **kwargs)
def __bind(self, factory: Gtk.SignalListItemFactory,
listitem: Gtk.ListItem) -> None:
def __unbind(self, factory: Gtk.SignalListItemFactory,
listitem: Gtk.ListItem) -> None:
def __teardown(self, factory: Gtk.SignalListItemFactory,
listitem: Gtk.ListItem) -> None:
listitem.listrow = None
class InscriptionFactory(Factory):
"""A Factory that creates InscriptionRows."""
def __init__(self, item_property: str,
script_type: typing.Type[InscriptionRow] = InscriptionRow,
xalign: float = 0.0, numeric: bool = False):
"""Initialize a LabelFactory."""
super().__init__(row_type=script_type, item_property=item_property,
xalign=xalign, numeric=numeric)