
271 lines
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# Copyright 2023 (c) Anna Schumaker.
"""Our Testcase Gio.ListModel."""
import sqlite3
import typing
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gio
from gi.repository import Gtk
from .. import sqlite
class XunitCell(GObject.GObject):
"""Holds a single value for a single Xunit."""
name = GObject.Property(type=str)
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Get a string representation of this XunitCell."""
return self.name
class XunitRow(GObject.GObject):
"""Collects results for a single row across multiple Xunits."""
name = GObject.Property(type=str)
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Initialize an XunitRow."""
self.__xunits = {}
def __getitem__(self, xunit: str) -> XunitCell | None:
"""Get the value of a specific Xunit."""
return self.__xunits.get(xunit)
def __lt__(self, rhs: typing.Self) -> bool:
"""Compare the names of two XunitRows."""
return self.name < rhs.name
def add_xunit(self, name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Add an XunitCell to the XunitRow."""
self.__xunits[name] = self.do_make_xunit(name, *args, **kwargs)
def do_make_xunit(self, name: str) -> XunitCell:
"""Create and return a new XunitCell."""
return XunitCell(name=name)
def get_results(self) -> set[str]:
"""Get a set of results for each added xunit."""
return {str(xunit) for xunit in self.__xunits.values()}
class XunitList(GObject.GObject, Gio.ListModel):
"""A list of XunitRows for a specific Xfstests Run."""
runid = GObject.Property(type=int)
n_items = GObject.Property(type=int)
def __init__(self, sql: sqlite.Connection, runid: int) -> None:
"""Initialize an XunitList."""
self.__xunits = set()
rows = {}
for row in self.do_query(sql).fetchall():
self.do_parse(rows, row)
self.__items = sorted(rows.values())
self.n_items = len(self.__items)
def do_get_item_type(self) -> GObject.GType:
"""Get the type of the objects in the list."""
return XunitRow.__gtype__
def do_get_n_items(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of items in the list."""
return self.n_items
def do_get_item(self, n: int) -> XunitRow | None:
"""Get a specific item on the list."""
return self.__items[n] if n < self.n_items else None
def do_parse(self, rows: dict[XunitRow], row: sqlite3.Row) -> None:
"""Parse a sqlite3.Row and add it to the rows dict."""
def do_query(self, sql: sqlite.Connection) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Query the database."""
return sql("SELECT name AS xunit FROM xunits WHERE runid=?",
def get_xunits(self) -> list[str]:
"""Get a list of xunits attached to this xfstests run."""
return sorted(self.__xunits)
class PropertyValue(XunitCell):
"""A single Property for a specific Xunit."""
key = GObject.Property(type=str)
value = GObject.Property(type=str)
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Get a string representation of this Property."""
return f"{self.key} = {self.value}"
class Property(XunitRow):
"""Collects one property across multiple xunits."""
def do_make_xunit(self, name: str, key: str, value: str) -> PropertyValue:
"""Add a PropertyValue to the Property."""
return PropertyValue(name=name, key=key, value=value)
def all_same_value(self) -> bool:
"""Check if all the xunits have the same value."""
return len(self.get_results()) == 1
class PropertyList(XunitList):
"""A list of Properties for a specific Xfstests Run."""
def do_query(self, sql: sqlite.Connection) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Query the database for properties."""
return sql("""SELECT xunit, key, value FROM xunit_properties_view
WHERE runid=?""", self.runid)
def do_parse(self, rows: dict[Property], row: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
"""Parse the data in the row and add it to the rows dict."""
property = rows.setdefault(row["key"], Property(row["key"]))
property.add_xunit(row["xunit"], row["key"], row["value"])
class PropertyFilter(Gtk.Filter):
"""A filter for Properties."""
def do_get_strictness(self) -> Gtk.FilterMatch:
"""Get the strictness of the filter."""
return Gtk.FilterMatch.SOME
def do_match(self, property: Property) -> bool:
"""Check if a property matches the filter."""
return property.name not in hidden
class TestResult(XunitCell):
"""The results for a single TestCase with a specific Xunit."""
status = GObject.Property(type=str)
time = GObject.Property(type=int)
message = GObject.Property(type=str)
stdout = GObject.Property(type=str)
stderr = GObject.Property(type=str)
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Get a string representation of this TestResult."""
return self.status
class TestCase(XunitRow):
"""Collects results for a single TestCase with multiple Xunits."""
def do_make_xunit(self, name: str, status: str, time: int,
message: str | None, stdout: str | None,
stderr: str | None) -> TestResult:
"""Add an xunit result to the TestCase."""
return TestResult(name=name, status=status, time=time,
message=("" if message is None else message),
stdout=("" if stdout is None else stdout),
stderr=("" if stderr is None else stderr))
class TestCaseList(XunitList):
"""A list of TestCases for a specific Xfstests Run."""
def do_query(self, sql: sqlite.Connection) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Query the database for testcase results."""
return sql("""SELECT testcase, xunit, status, time,
message, stdout, stderr
FROM testcases_view WHERE runid=?""", self.runid)
def do_parse(self, rows: dict[TestCase], row: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
"""Parse the data in the row and add it to the rows dict."""
testcase = rows.setdefault(row["testcase"], TestCase(row["testcase"]))
testcase.add_xunit(row["xunit"], row["status"], row["time"],
row["message"], row["stdout"], row["stderr"])
class TestCaseFilter(Gtk.Filter):
"""A filter for TestCases."""
passed = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False)
skipped = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False)
failure = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=True)
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialize a TestCaseFilter."""
self.connect("notify", self.__notify)
def __notify(self, filter: typing.Self, param: GObject.ParamSpec) -> None:
match param.name:
case "passed" | "skipped" | "failure":
if self.get_property(param.name):
change = Gtk.FilterChange.LESS_STRICT
change = Gtk.FilterChange.MORE_STRICT
def do_get_strictness(self) -> Gtk.FilterMatch:
"""Get the current strictness of the filter."""
match (self.passed, self.skipped, self.failure):
case (True, True, True): return Gtk.FilterMatch.ALL
case (False, False, False): return Gtk.FilterMatch.NONE
case (_, _, _): return Gtk.FilterMatch.SOME
def do_match(self, testcase: TestCase) -> bool:
"""Check if a testcase matches the current filter."""
results = testcase.get_results()
if self.passed and "passed" in results:
return True
if self.skipped and "skipped" in results:
return True
if self.failure and "failure" in results:
return True
return False
class SummaryValue(XunitCell):
"""The summary of a single Xfstests xunit field."""
name = GObject.Property(type=str)
unit = GObject.Property(type=str)
value = GObject.Property(type=int)
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Convert a Summary Value to a string."""
s = '' if self.value == 1 else 's'
return f"{self.value} {self.unit}{s}"
class Summary(XunitRow):
"""Collects values for each summary field with multiple Xunits."""
def __lt__(self, rhs: typing.Self) -> bool:
"""Compare the fields of two Summaries."""
order = ["passed", "failed", "skipped", "time"]
return order.index(self.name) < order.index(rhs.name)
def do_make_xunit(self, name: str, value: int, unit: str) -> SummaryValue:
"""Add an xunit summary to the Summary."""
return SummaryValue(name=name, value=value, unit=unit)
class SummaryList(XunitList):
"""A list summarizing the results of a specific Xfstests Run."""
def do_query(self, sql: sqlite.Connection) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Query the database for xunit summaries."""
return sql("""SELECT name AS xunit, passed, failed, skipped, time
FROM xunits_view WHERE runid=?""", self.runid)
def do_parse(self, rows: dict[Summary], row: sqlite3.Row) -> None:
"""Parse the data in the row and add it to the rows dict."""
for field in ["passed", "failed", "skipped", "time"]:
summary = rows.setdefault(field, Summary(field))
summary.add_xunit(row["xunit"], row[field],
"second" if field == "time" else "testcase")