6 testcases
Anna Schumaker edited this page 2023-07-26 11:42:39 -04:00

The testcases table holds the status of each test case that xfstests runs. The primary key for this table is the (xunitid, testcase) pair. The testscases_view joins the testcases table with the messages table so querys can access message text directly.


Name Type Description
xunitid INTEGER The rowid of the xunit entry for this testcase
testcase TEXT The testcase name
status TEXT The testcase status (passed, failed, skipped)
time INTEGER The time this testcase took to run
messageid INTEGER The rowid of the message entry for this test
stdoutid INTEGER The rowid of the stdout message entry
stderrid INTEGER The rowid of the stderr message entry


Name Field
testcases_messageid_index messageid
testcases_stdoutid_index stdoutid
testcases_stderrid_index stderrid


Name When Description
cleanup_messages After delete Delete unused messages from the messages table

The testcases_view

Column Description
runid The rowid of the xfstests run for this testcase
xunitid The rowid of the xunit entry for this testcase
xunit The xunit name for this testcase
testcase The testcase name
status The testcase status (passed, failed, skipped)
time The time this testcase took to run
message The testcase message text
stdout The testcase stdout text
stderr The testcase stderr text


Name When Description
insert_testcase Instead of insert Add a new testcase entry and inserts into the messages table