% % Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker. % \documentclass[letterpaper]{article} \usepackage{cheese} \begin{document} \begin{cheese}{Dry Jack}{3pt} \StandardCheeseSetupSection \newsection{Acid}{2} & Mesophilic Starter & \half teaspoon & & \ftemp{80} & & & \_ & Ripening & 1 hour & & \ftemp{86} & & & \\ \StandardCheeseGelDevelSection{\half teaspoon}{\gray}{45 minutes}{3.5} \newsection{Curd Processing}{9} & Cutting & \quarter{3} inch cubes & & \gray & & & \_ & Resting 1 & 5 minutes & & \gray & & & \_ & Cooking & 40 minutes & & \gray & & & Stir continuously. \_ & Resting 2 & 30 minutes & & \ftemp{102} & & & \_ & Draining 1 & To curd level & & \gray & & & \_ & Stirring & 20 minutes & & \gray & & & Or until curds are matted. \_ & Draining 2 & All Whey & & \gray & & & Catch curds in colander. \_ & Resting 3 & 5 minutes & & \gray & & & \_ & Salting & 1 tablespoon & & \gray & & & Mix thoroughly with hands. \\ \newsection{Press}{2} & Forming & \gray & & \gray & & & Roll curds into a ball and tie ends of cheesecloth together. \_ & 8 pounds & 6 - 8 hours & & \gray & & & Sandwitched between cutting boards with knot on top. \\ \newsection{Rind}{7} & Salting & 1 tablespoon & & \gray & & & \_ & Air Dryig & 8 hours & & \gray & & & \_ & Brining & 8 hours & & \gray & & & Flip once. \_ & Air Dryig & 24 hours & & \gray & & & Flip once. \_ & Ripening & 1 week & & \ftemp{50} - \ftemp{55} & & & In ripening box. \_ & Cocoa Rub\footnote{2 tablespoons cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons instant espresso, 1\half teaspoons ground black pepper, and 4\half teaspoons olive oil} & \gray & & \gray & & & Use \quarter{1} of rub every day for 3 days. Dry and resume ripening. \_ & Aging & 2 months & & \ftemp{50} - \ftemp{55} & & & \\ \end{cheese} \end{document}