% % Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker. % \documentclass{../recipe} \recipeName{BBQ Chicken Pizza} \recipeServes{6} \recipeServingSize{1 wedge} \recipeSourceBook{Cooking Light: The Essential Dinner Tonight Cookbook}{301} \begin{document} \begin{ingredients} \addIngredient{1 (10 ounce)}{pizza crust} \addIngredient{\threequarters cup}{tomato chutney} \addIngredient{2 cups (2 breasts)}{chicken, cooked and chopped} \addIngredient{\twothirds cup}{plum tomatoes, chopped} \addIngredient{3 ounces}{sharp cheddar cheese, shredded} \addIngredient{\third cup}{green onions, chopped} \addIngredient{4 -- 5 leaves}{arugula, chopped} \end{ingredients} \begin{steps} \addStep{Preheat oven to \textbf{\ftemp{450}}.} \addStep{Place \ingredient{crust} on a baking sheet and bake for \textbf{3 minutes}. Remove from oven.} \addStep{Spread \ingredient{chutney} over \ingredient{crust}, leaving \textbf{\half inch} border.} \addStep{Top chutney with \ingredient{chicken}, \ingredient{tomato}, \ingredient{cheese}, and \ingredient{onions}. Bake for \textbf{9 minutes}, or until cheese melts.} \addStep{Cut pizza into \textbf{6 wedges}.} \end{steps} \addSuggestion{Sauce}{Quick Tomato Chutney.} \addReheating{Microwave on \textbf{high} for \textbf{1 -- 2 minutes}.} \end{document}