% % Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker. % \documentclass{../recipe} \recipeName{Smokey Spiced Collard Greens} \recipeServes{4} \recipeServingSize{1 cup} \recipeSourceBook{The Everything Vegetarian Cookbook}{157} \begin{document} \begin{ingredients} \addIngredient{1 bunch}{collard greens} \addIngredient{1 tablespoon}{olive oil} \addIngredient{1 medium}{white turnip, peeled and diced} \addIngredient{1 medium}{onion, chopped} \addIngredient{1}{chipotle chili, dried or canned, cut in half} \addIngredient{1 cup}{vegetable stock} \end{ingredients} \begin{steps} \addStep{Wash \ingredient{greens}, remove the stems, and cut the leaves into long, thin strips.} \addStep{Heat \ingredient{oil} in a large, heavy-bottomed pot over \textbf{medium-high} heat. Add the \textbf{turnip}, \textbf{onion}, and \textbf{chili} and saute \textbf{5 minutes}, or until the onion is translucent.} \addStep{Add the \ingredient{greens} and saute \textbf{2 -- 3 minutes}, or until greens are wilted.} \addStep{Add \ingredient{vegetable stock} and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to \textbf{low} and simmer for \textbf{20 minutes}, or until greens are very tender and turnips are soft.} \end{steps} \addSuggestion{Side}{Rice.} \addReheating{Combine \textbf{1 cup} \ingredient{Smoky Spiced Collard Greens} and \textbf{\quarter cup} \ingredient{water} in a small saucepan. Heat over \textbf{medium} heat until greens are hot and water has steamed off.} \end{document}