% % Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker. % \documentclass{../recipe} \recipeName{Zucchini Bars} \recipeSourcePerson{Zucchini Bars}{Pleasant Lane Farm} \begin{document} \begin{ingredients} \addIngredient{2 cups}{flour} \addIngredient{3 teaspoons}{cinnamon} \addIngredient{3}{eggs} \addIngredient{1 cup}{white sugar} \addIngredient{1 cup}{brown sugar} \addIngredient{1 cup}{vegetable oil} \addIngredient{2 teaspoons}{baking soda} \addIngredient{1 teaspoon}{salt} \addIngredient{2 cups}{zucchini, shredded} \addIngredient{1\quarter cups}{cream cheese frosting} \end{ingredients} \begin{steps} \addStep{Preheat oven to \textbf{\ftemp{350}}. Grease a \textbf{13 x 9 -- inch} cookie sheet.} \addStep{Combine \ingredient{flour} and \ingredient{cinnamon} in a small mixing bowl. Set aside.} \addStep{Slightly beat \ingredient{eggs} in a large mixing bowl. Mix in \ingredient{sugars}, \ingredient{oil}, \ingredient{baking soda}, and \ingredient{salt}. Alternately add \ingredient{zucchini} and \ingredient{flour mixture}. Mix well.} \addStep{Pour onto cookie sheet and bake at \textbf{\ftemp{350}} for \textbf{30 minutes}. Let cool before adding \ingredient{frosting}.} \end{steps} \addSuggestion{Frosting}{Cream Cheese Frosting} \end{document}