% % Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker. % \documentclass{../recipe} \recipeName{Ginger Beer} \recipeSourceWeb{How to Make Alcoholic Ginger Beer from Scratch}{Food52.com} \begin{document} \begin{ingredients} \addIngredient{2\half cups}{warm water} \addIngredient{1 packet}{champagne yeast} \addIngredient{\half cup}{lemon juice} \addIngredient{1}{jalapeno pepper, sliced (optional)} \addIngredient{7 tablespoons}{ginger, peeled and grated (divided)} \addIngredient{7 tablespoons and 3 cups}{sugar (divided)} \end{ingredients} \begin{steps} \addStep{Pour \ingredient{water} into a large glass jar. Add \ingredient{yeast} and stir until dissolved. Stir in \ingredient{lemon juice}. (Optional) Stir in \ingredient{jalapeno} slices.} \addStep{Add \textbf{1 tablespoon} \ingredient{ginger} and \textbf{1 tablespoon} \ingredient{sugar} to the jar, stirring to combine. Cover jar with paper towel or a piece of cheesecloth. Repeat every day for \textbf{1 week}.} \addStep{Fill \textbf{three 2-liter} bottles with \ingredient{water} and add \textbf{1 cup} of \ingredient{sugar} to each bottle. Add \textbf{\third}of the \ingredient{ginger mixture} to each bottle.} \addStep{Seal bottles and let sit until they become too difficult to squeeze. Refrigerate.} \addStep{For an alcoholic drink: let sit for a total of \textbf{1 -- 2 weeks}, releasing built up pressure daily.} \end{steps} \end{document}