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% Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker.
\recipeName{French Rhubarb Pie}
\recipeSourcePerson{French Rhubarb Pie}{The Daniel Miller Family}
\addIngredient{2 tablespoons and \threequarters cup}{flour, divided}
\addIngredient{1 cup}{sugar}
\addIngredient{\half cup}{water}
\addIngredient{2 cups}{rhubarb, diced}
\addIngredient{\quarter teaspoon}{salt}
\addIngredient{1}{pie shell, unbaked}
\addIngredient{\half cup}{brown sugar}
\addIngredient{\third cup}{butter, melted}
\addStep{Preheat oven to \textbf{\ftemp{400}}.}
\addStep{Mix together \textbf{2 tablespoons} \ingredient{flour},
\ingredient{sugar}, \ingredient{water}, \ingredient{rhubarb},
\ingredient{egg}, and \ingredient{salt} in a large mixing bowl.
Transfer to \ingredient{pie shell}.}
\addStep{Mix together \textbf{remaining} \ingredient{flour},
\ingredient{brown sugar}, and \ingredient{butter}. Spread over
\ingredient{rhubarb mixture}.}
\addStep{Bake at \textbf{\ftemp{400}} for \textbf{10 minutes}.
Reduce heat to \textbf{\ftemp{350}} and continue baking
for \textbf{30 minutes}. Let cool before serving.}