Anna Schumaker 653ee7d495 Convert Baked Peppers and Onions recipe to TeX
And add it in the Plants section.

Signed-off-by: Anna Schumaker <>
2016-06-27 09:36:24 -04:00

39 lines
1.2 KiB

% Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker.
\recipeName{Baked Peppers and Onions}
\recipeServingSize{1\twothirds cups}
\recipeSourceBook{The Everything Vegetarian Cookbook}{213}
\addIngredientName{Cooking spray}
\addIngredient{2 medium}{green bell peppers}
\addIngredient{2 medium}{red bell peppers}
\addIngredient{4 medium}{red potatoes}
\addIngredient{1 large}{yellow onion, peeled}
\addIngredient{\third cup}{extra-virgin olive oil}
\addIngredientName{Ground black pepper}
\addStep{Coat a \textbf{13 x 9 -- inch} baking dish with
\ingredient{cooking spray} and preheat oven to \textbf{\ftemp{425}}.}
\addStep{Cut \ingredient{peppers}, \ingredient{potatoes}, and
\ingredient{onion} into \textbf{1 -- 2 inch}. Mix together and place
in the baking dish.}
\addStep{Pour the \ingredient{olive oil} over the \ingredient{vegetables}
and generously season with \ingredient{black pepper}.}
\addStep{Bake for \textbf{30 minutes}, or until potatoes are tender.}
\addReheating{Bake \textbf{1\twothirds cups}
\ingredient{Baked Peppers and Onion} at \textbf{\ftemp{425}} for
\textbf{20 minutes}.}