# Copyright 2022 (c) Anna Schumaker """A custom Gio.ListModel for working with artists.""" import sqlite3 from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from .albums import Album from .. import format from . import playlist from . import table class Artist(playlist.Playlist): """Our custom Artist object.""" artistid = GObject.Property(type=int) mbid = GObject.Property(type=str) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize an Artist object.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.add_children(self.table.sql.albums, self.table.get_albumids(self)) def add_album(self, album: Album) -> None: """Add an Album to this Artist.""" if self.table.add_album(self, album): self.add_child(album) def has_album(self, album: Album) -> bool: """Check if the Artist has this Album.""" return self.has_child(album) def remove_album(self, album: Album) -> None: """Remove an album from this Artist.""" self.table.remove_album(self, album) self.remove_child(album) @property def primary_key(self) -> int: """Get the Artist primary key.""" return self.artistid class Filter(table.KeySet): """Custom filter to hide artists without albums.""" show_all = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False) def __init__(self, show_all: bool = False): """Initialize the Artist filter.""" super().__init__(show_all=show_all) self.connect("notify::show-all", self.__notify_show_all) def __notify_show_all(self, filter: table.KeySet, param) -> None: self.changed(Gtk.FilterChange.LESS_STRICT if self.show_all else Gtk.FilterChange.MORE_STRICT) def do_get_strictness(self) -> Gtk.FilterMatch: """Get the strictness of the filter.""" res = super().do_get_strictness() if not self.show_all and res == Gtk.FilterMatch.ALL: return Gtk.FilterMatch.SOME return res def do_match(self, artist: Artist) -> bool: """Check if the artist matches the filter.""" res = super().do_match(artist) if not self.show_all and res: return artist.child_set.keyset.n_keys > 0 return res class Table(playlist.Table): """Our Artist Table.""" show_all = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False) def __init__(self, sql: GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, show_all: bool = False, **kwargs): """Initialize an Artist model.""" super().__init__(sql=sql, show_all=show_all, autodelete=True, filter=Filter(show_all=show_all), **kwargs) self.bind_property("show-all", self.get_filter(), "show-all") def do_construct(self, **kwargs) -> Artist: """Construct a new artist.""" return Artist(**kwargs) def do_get_sort_key(self, artist: Artist) -> tuple[tuple, bool, str]: """Get a sort key for the requested Playlist.""" return (format.sort_key(artist.name), len(artist.mbid) == 0, artist.mbid.casefold()) def do_sql_delete(self, artist: Artist) -> bool: """Delete an artist.""" return self.sql("DELETE FROM artists WHERE artistid=?", artist.artistid) def do_sql_glob(self, glob: str) -> sqlite3.Cursor: """Search for artists matching the search text.""" return self.sql("""SELECT artistid FROM album_artist_view WHERE CASEFOLD(artist) GLOB :glob OR CASEFOLD(album) GLOB :glob OR CASEFOLD(medium) GLOB :glob""", glob=glob) def do_sql_insert(self, name: str, mbid: str = "") -> sqlite3.Cursor | None: """Create a new artist.""" if cur := self.sql("INSERT INTO artists (name, mbid) VALUES (?, ?)", name, mbid): return self.sql("SELECT * FROM artists_view WHERE artistid=?", cur.lastrowid) def do_sql_select_all(self) -> sqlite3.Cursor: """Load artists from the database.""" return self.sql("SELECT * FROM artists_view") def do_sql_select_one(self, name: str | None = None, *, mbid: str = "") -> sqlite3.Cursor: """Look up an artist by name and mbid.""" where = "mbid=? AND CASEFOLD(name)=?" if name else "mbid=?" args = [mbid.lower(), name.casefold()] if name else [mbid.lower()] return self.sql(f"SELECT artistid FROM artists WHERE {where}", *args) def do_sql_update(self, artist: Artist, column: str, newval) -> sqlite3.Cursor: """Update an artist.""" return self.sql(f"UPDATE artists SET {column}=? WHERE artistid=?", newval, artist.artistid) def add_album(self, artist: Artist, album: Album) -> bool: """Add an album to this artist.""" return self.sql("INSERT INTO album_artist_link VALUES (?, ?)", artist.artistid, album.albumid) is not None def get_albumids(self, artist: Artist) -> set[int]: """Get an Artist's associated albumids from the database.""" cur = self.sql("""SELECT albumid FROM album_artist_link WHERE artistid=?""", artist.artistid) return {row["albumid"] for row in cur.fetchall()} def remove_album(self, artist: Artist, album: Album) -> bool: """Remove an album from this artist.""" return self.sql("""DELETE FROM album_artist_link WHERE artistid=? AND albumid=?""", artist.artistid, album.albumid).rowcount == 1