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= Ocarina 6.0 =
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My main goal for Ocarina 6.x is to plan out all of my actions before writing
code. In the past I was adding features as I thought of them before thinking
out how everything works together, and this made Ocarina difficult to maintain
because I had no overall plan. This document aims to fix that.
I will also create unit tests as I add features so bugs can be found faster.
On-disk files:
I use the disk to store data between sessions, this could include
library state and user preferences. In theory, file formats do not
change often so updating between file formats should be possible.
Supporting all previous file formats can create a lot of clutter in
the code, so I will ONLY support updating from the previous file-format
version. Ocarina 5.x used two different numbers to represent the
current file format (library = 2 and playlist = 3). I want to unify
this into a single number shared across all files for simplicity, and
then create a class to read and write data on disk.
Database: (lib/database.cpp)
Ocarina 5.x created a different save file format for each type of
data that needed to be stored (preferences, library paths, playlists).
I intend to unify everything into a generic file format that can be
accessed through a generic database interface. The database code will
be in charge of printing the "valid" bit for each DatabaseEntry so that
child classes do not need to call into the parent class. If valid ==
true, the DatabaseEntry will be streamed out followed by a newline. If
valid == false the database will print the next entry in the vector.
Modules should inherit from the DatabasEntry class and implement their
own read() and write() functions. The "valid" field will be stored
before these functions are called, and the entry will be skipped if
valid is set to false.
The Database class is a templated class, so code could potentially
get messy. Normal class declarations can still exist in the file
include/database.h and member functions can be written in the file
include/database.hpp, which will be included by database.h. Any
function not relying on a template can be written in lib/database.cpp.
Structures and constants:
#define FILE_VERSION 4
class DatabaseEntry { /* let database modify valid flag */
bool valid;
virtual istream &operator>>(istream &) = 0;
virtual ostream &operator<<(ostream &) = 0;
friend class Database;
template <class T>
class Database {
unsigned int _size; /* Number of valid rows */
string filename;
vector<T> db;
void load();
void save();
void insert(T);
void delete(unsigned int);
const unsigned int &size();
const T &operator[](unsigned int);
File formats:
FILE_VERSION db.size()
INDEX db[INDEX].valid DatabaseEntry
INDEX db[INDEX].valid DatabaseEntry
Initializes database to use ~/.ocarina{-debug}/filename
Reads data from file. Call after static initialization of
Ocarina to ensure idle tasks are configured.
Saves data to file.
Database.insert(T &);
Adds a new item to the db
Database.delete(unsigned int index);
Mark db[index] as invalid (quick deletion)
Returns number of valid rows in the database
Database.operator[unsigned int index]
Return a reference to db[index]
Library: (lib/library.cpp)
The library manages databases containing track information added by the
user. Ocarina 6 splits the library into multiple database tables for
storing content. The library will exist in a library namespace to
to make functions and classes more unique.
When a library : Track is created, it should be added to the "Library"
group if it is NOT a member of the banned songs group.
class library :: Album : public DatabaseEntry {
string name;
short year;
class library :: Artist : public DatabaseEntry {
string name;
class library :: Genre : public DatabaseEntry {
string name;
class library :: Root : public DatabaseEntry {
string root_path;
bool enabled;
class library :: Track : public DatabaseEntry {
unsigned int artist_id;
unsigned int album_id;
unsigned int genre_id;
unsigned int library_id;
short track;
short last_year;
short last_month;
short last_day;
unsigned int play_count;
unsigned int length;
string title;
string length_str;
string filepath;
struct Track { /* Leave this outside of the namespace */
library :: Album *album;
library :: Artist *artist;
library :: Genre *genre;
library :: Library *library;
library :: Track *track;
Database<library :: Album> album_db;
Database<library :: Artist> artist_db;
Database<library :: Album> genre_db;
Database<library :: Library> library_db;
Database<library :: Track> track_db;
File formats:
year name
artist_id album_id genre_id library_id track last_year last_month last_day play_count length length_str
enabled base_path;
Updating algorithm:
set<pair<lib_id, track_path>> known_tracks;
1) For each track currently in the library, check if the track exists
in the filesystem.
1a) If the track does exist, add to the known_tracks map.
1b) Else, mark track invalid.
2) For each file in the scan directory, check if (lib_id, track_path)
exists in the known_tracks map.
2a) If the file is in the map, do nothing.
2b) Else, add track to the library.
The taglib library should be used for finding artist, album, etc. tags
for each track.
Use idle tasks for step 2 to break up tagging new files into chunks.
This way the user will still be able to use Ocarina and scanning can
happen while idle.
/* Path management */
library :: add_path(string dir);
Add new row to paths table, update
library :: del_path(unsigned int lib_id);
Invalidate a path row
library :: update_path(lib_id);
Update the given library path, if valid.
const Database<LibraryEntry> &library :: get_db();
Returns the database containing library information.
struct Track library :: resolve(track_id)
Fill out a Track structure for the provided track_id
Playlist: (lib/playlist.cpp)
A playlist is a simple list of songs that can be played either randomly
or in a user-defined order. It would probably be best to use a linked
list or vector to represent playlists, rather than creating a SQLite
table. I will be able to easily rearrange tracks in the playlist this
way. This will also make it easier to deal with playlist renames and
reordering by the user.
/* Playlist management */
add_to_playlist(playlist, songid);
rm_from_playlist(playlist, songid);
set_flag(playlist, flag)
- Flags
PL_ENABLED (1 << 0)
PL_RANDOM (1 << 1)
PL_DRAIN (1 << 2)
Groups: (lib/group.cpp)
Groups are going to be a new feature in Ocarina 6 and can compare
directly to Gmail-style labels. Ocarina 6 will create dynamic groups
that cannot be deleted by the user based on library status.
Default groups:
All music
All tracks are added to this group
Banned Songs
These groups are mutually exclusive. A track is either
in the Library or the Banned Songs group
Unplayed tracks
Tracks with a play count of 0
Return a list of group names
Return a list of tracks that are in group "name"
Add a track to a group
Remove a track from a group
- Design TODO <<<<<
- I need a way to loop over each track in the library to create
dynamic groups. Whole library iterator?
- A "Track" class with functions for accessing tags and with access
to groups. Perhaps make "Track" its own file, outside of the
library and group code?
Future work:
I want to set reasonable expectations for Ocarina 6 so that I don't
have to spend a large amount of time coding before releasing something
to the wild. This section will be a list of features that I want, but
should be deferred to a future release so basic support can be coded.
Hint: If feature B depends on A, implement A in 6.x and B in 6.x+1
- Categories: (6.1)
Use these to make "groups of groups" for better organization.
Different categories can include Album, Artist and Genere
dynamic groups in addition to user created groups (see below)
The Artist, Album and Genre "tables" can be used to populate
these categories.
- User created song groups: (6.2)
Basic add and remove features can be implemented using the
Library and Banned Songs groups. This will give me a chance
to test saving groups on a small scale before letting users
create anything they want.
- Save a user's playlist as a group: (6.2)
- Library defragment: (6.1)
Ocarina 6.0 will leave holes in the library when tracks are
deleted, potentially leading to fragmentation and larger-than-
needed file sizes. A "defragment" utility can be created to
clean up unused slots.
To help with fixing groups, a mapping of (old values) ->
(new values) should be kept.