#! /usr/bin/python # To change this template, choose Tools | Templates # and open the template in the editor. __author__="bjschuma" __date__ ="$Feb 16, 2010 11:56:00 PM$" global scripts import re scripts = [] from bt import file from bt.message import write import session global extension extension = ["scion","py"] def add(script): global scripts scripts += [script] def runScript(script): # Run commands if the script is not a python script if re.match("(\/|\w)*\.py",script) == None: from bt import cmd f = file.fopen(script) for line in f: cmd.run(line) f.close() # Execute the script with the python interpreter as a backend else: write("Running python script: "+script,2) execfile(script) def runScripts(): global scripts write("===== Begin output =====",1) write(" ",1) for script in scripts: runScript(script) write(" ",1) write("====== End output ======",1) from bt import cmd cmd.run("exit") def checkForScripts(): global scripts if len(scripts) > 0: session.events.invite("scion-begin",runScripts,0) # If the given file is a script, we add it to the script list def isScript(script): global scripts write("Checking if file is a script: "+script,2) for ext in extension: if not re.match("(\/|\w)*\."+ext,script) == None: scripts += [script] session.events.invite("scion-plugins-loaded",checkForScripts) session.events.invite("scion-process-args",isScript)