Future work: I want to set reasonable expectations for Ocarina 6 so that I don't have to spend a large amount of time coding before releasing something to the wild. This section will be a list of features that I want, but should be deferred to a future release so basic support can be coded. - User created song groups: Basic add and remove features can be implemented using the Library and Banned Songs groups. This will give me a chance to test saving groups on a small scale before letting users create anything they want. - Save a user's playlist as a group: - Library defragment: Ocarina 6.0 will leave holes in the library when tracks are deleted, potentially leading to fragmentation and larger-than- needed file sizes. A "defragment" utility can be created to clean up unused slots. To help with fixing groups, a mapping of (old values) -> (new values) should be kept. - Fix track durations: Some tracks in my library are tagged with the wrong duration, so fix them as they are played. - Track tag editor: Make a pop-up window for editing the tags of a track. Be sure to update the library information and the on-disk file. - Album art: (easy) Start with album art fetching script (hard) Build in to Ocarina - Copy a song group to a different directory: This can be useful for keeping an external device (like an Android phone) updated with the music you want to listen to. Complications: I have an mp3 mirror of all my music, and I want the mp3s to be synced. Perhaps track mirrors in Ocarina? - Mirror directory: I rip music to .flac, but keep an mp3 mirror directory to sync to other computers and phones. An Ocarina tool to manage a COMPLETE library mirror might be a good idea so I no longer need to manage it externally. This can still be done with a script, a cron job, and maybe a "mirror this track" option in the library? Perhaps create a mirror group? - AirPlay / remote audio support - Replaygain support External script to calculate values? Calculate value after first playback? Store in library :: Track structure - "About" dialog - Ports: - OSX - Windows - Android - Command line tools for web interface development?