#!/usr/bin/python import sys MAJOR = 5 MINOR = 6 BUG = 0 EXTRA = "" DEBUG = True PREFIX = "/usr" DESTDIR = "" for argv in sys.argv: split = argv.split("=") if split[0] == "DESTDIR": DESTDIR = split[1] + "/" FLAGS = ["-O2"] if DEBUG == True: FLAGS = ["-Wall", "-Werror", "-g", "-DDEBUG"] env = Environment(CCFLAGS = FLAGS) if ARGUMENTS.get('VERBOSE') != "1": env.Append(CXXCOMSTR = "CXX $TARGET") env.Append(LINKCOMSTR = "Linking $TARGET") env.Append(CPPPATH = "include") env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0') env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-0.10') env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-interfaces-0.10') env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs taglib') def version_h(target, source, env): f = open("include/version.h", "w") for line in open("include/version.tmpl", "r"): line = line.replace("__MAJOR__", str(MAJOR)) line = line.replace("__MINOR__", str(MINOR)) line = line.replace("__BUG__", str(BUG)) line = line.replace("__EXTRA__", str(EXTRA)) f.write(line) f.close() def list_dirs(directory): import os dirs = [x[0] for x in os.walk(directory)] return [Glob(dir + "/*.cpp") for dir in dirs] # Note: a version.h file is not created in this directory, # so the command will always run. Default( env.Command("version.h", None, version_h) ) ocarina=env.Program('ocarina.bin', list_dirs('libsaria') + list_dirs('ocarina')) Default(ocarina) # Install Ocarina lib = DESTDIR + PREFIX + "/lib/ocarina" bin = DESTDIR + PREFIX + "/bin/ocarina" images = lib + "/images" env.Install(lib, ocarina) env.Alias("install", [lib, images, bin]) env.Command(images, "./images/", [Copy(images, "./images")]) def ocarina_sh(target, source, env): f = open("ocarina.sh", "w") f.write("#!/bin/bash\n") f.write(PREFIX + "/lib/ocarina/ocarina.bin \"$*\"\n") f.close() env.Command(bin, None, [ocarina_sh, Move(bin, "ocarina.sh"), Chmod(bin, 0755)]) # Clean up the build directory Clean(ocarina, ["include/version.h"]) # Create a tarball def git_archive(target, source, env): import os version = "%s.%s" % (MAJOR, MINOR) if BUG != 0: version += ".%s" % BUG if EXTRA != "": version += "-%s" % EXTRA if DEBUG == True: version += "-debug" ocarina="ocarina-%s" % version os.popen("git archive --prefix=%s/ -o %s.tar.gz HEAD" % (ocarina, ocarina)) print "md5sum:", os.popen("md5sum %s.tar.gz" % ocarina).read() env.Command("archive", None, [git_archive])