#! /usr/bin/python __author__ = "bjschuma" __date__ = "$Feb 5, 2010 7:53:19 PM$" from ct import path from ct.message import write from ct.opts import args import gst import ocarina global player global time player = gst.element_factory_make("playbin2", "player") time = gst.Format(gst.FORMAT_TIME) bus = player.get_bus() volume = gst.element_factory_make("volume", "vol") player.add(volume) # Volume range goes from 0 to 1.0 (before sounding bad) volume.set_property("volume", 1.0) def getstate(): global player state = player.get_state()[1] write("Gstreamer state: "+str(state), 3) return player.get_state()[1] def play(): global player player.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING) if getstate() != gst.STATE_PLAYING: ocarina.events.stop("ocarina-play") else: ocarina.vars["$playing"] = True def pause(): global player player.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED) if getstate() != gst.STATE_PAUSED: ocarina.events.stop("ocarina-pause") else: ocarina.vars["$playing"] = False def load(song): song = path.expand(song) if path.exists(song) == False: write("Path does not exist: " + song) return curstate = getstate() pause() write("Loading file: " + song, 1) global player player.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) player.set_property("uri", "file://" + song) if ocarina.vars["$playonload"]==True or curstate==gst.STATE_PLAYING: play() else: pause() #player.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED) def uninit(): global player player.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) def init(): #ocarina.events.invite("ocarina-stop",uninit) if len(args) == 0: return space = ' ' song = space.join(args) load(song) def onMessage(bus, message): #print message.type if message.type == gst.MESSAGE_TAG: taglist = message.parse_tag() for tag in taglist.keys(): write("Found tag: ("+tag+", "+str(taglist[tag])+")",1) if tag == "title": ocarina.vars["$title"] = taglist[tag] elif tag == "artist": ocarina.vars["$artist"]= taglist[tag] elif tag == "album": ocarina.vars["$album"] = taglist[tag] ocarina.events.start("tags-changed") def duration(): global player global time state = getstate() if (state!=gst.STATE_PLAYING) and (state!=gst.STATE_PAUSED): return 0 total = player.query_duration(time)[0] return total def currentpos(): global player global time state = getstate() if (state!=gst.STATE_PLAYING) and (state!=gst.STATE_PAUSED): return 0 position = player.query_position(time)[0] return position def getProgress(): global player global time state = getstate() if (state!=gst.STATE_PLAYING) and (state!=gst.STATE_PAUSED): return 0 total = duration() current = currentpos() fraction = float(current) / float(total) if fraction < 0.0: return 0.0 elif fraction > 1.0: return 1.0 return fraction # Seek to the desired percent of the song. # Fraction is True if prcnt is already a fraction def seek(prcnt,fraction=False): global player global time if fraction == False: prcnt = float(prcnt) if prcnt < 0: return -1 elif prcnt > 100: return -1 prcnt = prcnt / 100.0 newTime = duration() * prcnt player.seek_simple(time,gst.SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH,newTime) return 0 bus.add_signal_watch() bus.connect("message", onMessage) ocarina.events.invite("ocarina-start", init, 60) ocarina.events.invite("ocarina-stop", uninit) ocarina.events.invite("ocarina-play", play,50) ocarina.events.invite("ocarina-pause", pause,50) # #def setvol(value): # global pipeline # curvol = float( settings.get("volume") ) # # vol = pipeline.get_by_name("vol") # if value == "up": # value = curvol + 0.05 # elif value == "down": # value = curvol - 0.05 # else: # # Prevent converting strings # try: # value = float(value) # except: # return # # if value > 1.0: # value = 1.0 # if value < 0.0: # value = 0.0 # settings.set("volume",value) # vol.set_property("volume",value ) # # #def getProgress(tuple=False): # global pipeline # global time # # # Don't bother to go on if the pipeline isn't playing # if not pipeline.get_state()[1] == gst.STATE_PLAYING: # return -1 # # position = pipeline.query_position(time)[0] # total = pipeline.query_duration(time)[0] # if tuple==False: # return float(position) / float(total) # else: # return (position,total) # # ## Draw the progress bar on the command line #def drawProgress(): # p = getProgress() # if p == -1: # return # win = settings.get("maxyx") # max = int(win[1] * p) # if max > win[1]: # max = win[1] # if max == 0: # cline.message.disp(" "*(win[1]-1) ,win[0]-1) # else: # cline.message.disp("="*max, win[0]-1) # # ## A callback when there are messages on the bus #def onMessage(bus,message): # if message.type == gst.MESSAGE_EOS: # manager.run("next") # # ## Manually check the bus for messages #def checkBus(): # global bus # if bus.peek() == None: # return # onMessage(bus,bus.pop()) # # # #def init(): # # Register signals # signal.register("play",play) # signal.register("pause",pause) # signal.register("cliloop",drawProgress) # signal.register("cliloop",checkBus,90) # # # Check for settings values # if settings.has("args") == True: # input = settings.get("args") # if not input == []: # join = ' ' # path = join.join(input) # load(path) # else: # if settings.has("curtrk")==True: # track = settings.get("curtrk") # if track > 0: # manager.run("next",[track,False]) # if settings.has("volume") == False: # settings.set("volume",1.0) # setvol(settings.get("volume")) # # #def close(): # global pipeline # global bin # pause() # pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) # bin.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)