
110 lines
2.6 KiB

* Copyright 2016 (c) Anna Schumaker.
#include <core/audio.h>
#include <gui/builder.h>
/* Audio callback functions. */
extern struct audio_callbacks audio_cb;
/* Called to initialize the GUI audio controls. */
void gui_audio_init();
/* Called to stop the GUI audio timeout function. */
void gui_audio_deinit();
/* Called to update the current track position. */
int gui_audio_timeout();
int gui_audio_popover_timeout();
/* Called to get the label displaying the album tag. */
static inline GtkLabel *gui_album_tag(void)
return GTK_LABEL(gui_builder_widget("album_tag"));
/* Called to get the label displaying the artist tag. */
static inline GtkLabel *gui_artist_tag(void)
return GTK_LABEL(gui_builder_widget("artist_tag"));
/* Called to get the label displaying the title tag. */
static inline GtkLabel *gui_title_tag(void)
return GTK_LABEL(gui_builder_widget("title_tag"));
/* Called to get the label displaying the track's position. */
static inline GtkLabel *gui_position(void)
return GTK_LABEL(gui_builder_widget("position"));
/* Called to get the label displaying the track's duration. */
static inline GtkLabel *gui_duration(void)
return GTK_LABEL(gui_builder_widget("duration"));
/* Called to get the play button. */
static inline GtkButton *gui_play_button(void)
return GTK_BUTTON(gui_builder_widget("play_button"));
/* Called to get the pause button. */
static inline GtkButton *gui_pause_button(void)
return GTK_BUTTON(gui_builder_widget("pause_button"));
/* Called to get the previous button. */
static inline GtkButton *gui_prev_button(void)
return GTK_BUTTON(gui_builder_widget("prev_button"));
/* Called to get the next button. */
static inline GtkButton *gui_next_button(void)
return GTK_BUTTON(gui_builder_widget("next_button"));
/* Called to get the pause-after widgets. */
static inline GtkEntry *gui_pause_entry(void)
return GTK_ENTRY(gui_builder_widget("pause_entry"));
static inline GtkButton *gui_pause_down(void)
return GTK_BUTTON(gui_builder_widget("pause_down"));
static inline GtkButton *gui_pause_up(void)
return GTK_BUTTON(gui_builder_widget("pause_up"));
static inline GtkPopover *gui_pause_popover(void)
return GTK_POPOVER(gui_builder_widget("pause_popover"));
/* Called to get the seeking GtkAdjustment. */
static inline GtkAdjustment *gui_seek(void)
return GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gui_builder_object("seek"));
/* Called to get the volume button. */
static inline GtkScaleButton *gui_volume_button(void)
return GTK_SCALE_BUTTON(gui_builder_widget("volume_button"));
#endif /* OCARINA_GUI_AUDIO_H */