Bryan Schumaker 6d7b08f921 Random
- Made a random check button to toggle the random preference
- Playlists pick a random song from what is visible
2010-10-21 08:47:10 -04:00

156 lines
3.3 KiB

# Bryan Schumaker (8/8/2010)
import libsaria
import datetime
timedelta = datetime.timedelta
tag = None
audio = None
ins_table = None
ins_index = None
ins_tree = None
class TrackRecord:
def __init__(self, year, length, lenstr):
self.length = length
if lenstr[0] == "0" and lenstr[1] == ":":
self.lenstr = lenstr[2:]
self.lenstr = lenstr
self.count = 0
self.year = year
#self.like = None
self.fs = None
self.tags = None
class Collection:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
self.filtered = False
self.visible = None
def save(self):
(self.fs_tree, self.tag_tree, self.index, self.records,
self.next_record, self.size),
self.file, "")
def load(self):
objects = libsaria.data.load(self.file, "")
if objects == None or len(objects) != 6:
(self.fs_tree, self.tag_tree, self.index, self.records,
self.next_record, self.size) = objects
def reset(self):
from tree import DLTree
from index import Index
self.fs_tree = DLTree()
self.tag_tree = DLTree()
self.index = Index()
self.records = dict()
self.next_record = 0
self.size = 0
def disp(self):
def filter(self, text):
if len(text) > 0:
self.visible = self.index.filter(text)
self.filtered = True
self.visible = None
self.filtered = False
def is_visible(self, id):
if self.filtered == False:
return True
return id in self.visible
def num_visible(self):
if self.filtered == True:
return len(self.visible)
return self.size
def walk_tags(self):
for tag in self.tag_tree.walk_forwards():
rec = self.records[tag[3]]
yield tag + [rec.year] + [rec.lenstr]
def walk_ids(self):
for tag in self.tag_tree.walk_forwards():
yield tag[3]
def find_id(self, file):
stripped = file.strip(libsaria.path.sep)
split = stripped.split(libsaria.path.sep)
res = self.fs_tree.walk_path(split)
if res == False:
return None
return res[0]
def get_attr(self, id, attr):
rec = self.records[id]
if attr == "filepath":
cmp = rec.fs.walk_backwards()
return libsaria.path.sep.join([""] + cmp)
if attr == "playcount":
return rec.count
if attr == "year":
return rec.year
if attr == "lenstr":
return rec.lenstr
tags = rec.tags.walk_backwards()
if attr == "artist":
return tags[0]
if attr == "album":
return tags[1]
if attr == "title":
return tags[2]
def insert_tags(self, artist, album, title, id):
tags = self.tag_tree.insert([artist, album, title, id])
self.index.insert([artist, album, title], id)
self.size += 1
def insert_allocate(self, components, ref):
t = ref.tag()
artist = t.artist
album = t.album
title = t.title
audio = ref.audioProperties()
if artist == "":
artist = u"Unknown Artist"
if album == "":
album = u"Unknown Album"
if title == "":
title = u"Unknown Title"
len = audio.length
record = TrackRecord(t.year, len, "%s" % timedelta(seconds=len))
id = self.next_record
self.next_record += 1
fs = self.fs_tree.insert(components + [id])
tags = self.tag_tree.insert([artist, album, title, id])
self.index.insert([artist, album, title], id)
record.fs = fs
record.tags = tags
self.records[id] = record
self.size += 1