Anna Schumaker bac54857fd Artist: Add functions for looking up or creating Artist tags
The artist_db should really be controlled from within the Artist tag, so
this patch creates a new tags namespace containing functions that will
find or create tags as they are requested.

Signed-off-by: Anna Schumaker <Anna@OcarinaProject.net>
2014-12-04 08:31:51 -05:00

36 lines
672 B

Import("test_env", "generic_test", "get_test_obj")
objs = []
def test(name):
global objs
objs = generic_test(name, "core", objs, [])
test( "version" )
test( "file" )
test( "database" )
test( "index" )
test( "filter" )
test( "idle" )
test( "tags/generic" )
test( "tags/artist" )
test( "tags/album" )
test( "tags/genre" )
test( "tags/library" )
objs += [ get_test_obj("tags", "core") ]
objs += [ get_test_obj("tags/tags", "core") ]
#test( "tags" )
test( "random" )
objs += [ get_test_obj("callback", "core") ]
test( "queue" )
test( "library" )
test( "playlist" )
test( "deck" )
test( "driver" )
test( "audio" )