
221 lines
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* @file
* Copyright 2014 (c) Anna Schumaker.
#include <string>
/** Use to convert nanoseconds to seconds */
static const unsigned long O_SECOND = 1000000000;
* The audio driver class gives us an interface for using multiple
* audio frameworks for audio playback.
class Driver {
void (*on_eos) (); /**< End-of-stream callback function. */
void (*on_error) (); /**< Error handling callback function. */
Driver(); /**< Default Driver constructor. */
virtual ~Driver(); /**< Driver destructor. */
* Initialize an audio driver.
* @param argc Argc passed to the application's main() function.
* @param argv Argv passed to the applicaiton's main() function.
* @param eos_cb End-of-stream callback function.
* @param error_cb Callback function used when the audio library encounters an error.
virtual void init(int *argc, char ***argv, void (*eos_cb)(), void (*error_cb)()) = 0;
* Loads an audio file for playback.
* @param file Filepath of the track to load.
virtual void load(const std::string &file) = 0;
* Called to begin playback on the currently loaded track.
* @return True if playback state was changed successfully, false otherwise.
virtual bool play() = 0;
* Called to pause playback on the currently loaded track.
* @return True if playback state was changed successfully, false otherwise.
virtual bool pause() = 0;
* Called to check if the audio library is currently playing a track.
* @return True if audio library is playing, false otherwise.
virtual bool is_playing() = 0;
* Seek to a specific position in the current track.
* @param offset Position from the beginning of the track where we will seek to, in nanoseconds.
virtual void seek_to(long offset) = 0;
* Return the current position of the playback.
* @return The current playback position, in nanoseconds.
virtual long position() = 0;
* Return the duration of the currently loaded track.
* @return The duration of the current track, in nanoseconds.
virtual long duration() = 0;
class TestDriver : public Driver
bool playing;
long cur_pos;
long cur_duration;
std::string cur_file;
void init(int *, char ***, void (*)(), void (*)());
void load(const std::string &);
bool play();
bool pause();
bool is_playing();
void seek_to(long);
long position();
long duration();
void eos();
void error();
#else /* !CONFIG_TEST */
#include <gst/gst.h>
* Driver for the GStreamer audio library.
* The shell command `gst-inspect-1.0 --help-gst` details the command line
* options that can be passed to Ocarina.
class GSTDriver : public Driver
GstElement *player;
std::string cur_file;
bool change_state(GstState state);
* GStreamer audio driver constructor.
* GStreamer audio driver destructor.
* Called to initialize the GStreamer audio driver.
* @param argc Argc passed to the application's main() function.
* @param argv Argv passed to the applicaiton's main() function.
* @param eos_cb End-of-stream callback function.
* @param error_cb Callback function used when the audio library encounters an error.
void init(int *, char ***, void (*)(), void (*)());
* Load a track into the gstreamer pipeline.
* @param filepath The file to be loaded.
void load(const std::string &);
* Begin playback on the GStreamer pipeline.
* @return True if the state change was successful.
bool play();
* Pause the GStreamer pipeline.
* @return True if the state change was successful.
bool pause();
* Check if the GStreamer pipeline is playing.
* @return True if the pipeline is playing.
bool is_playing();
* Seek to a specific position in the pipeline.
* @param offset Offset from the beginning of the pipeline, in nanoseconds.
void seek_to(long);
* Find the current playback position of the pipeline.
* @return The current position of the pipeline, in nanoseconds.
long position();
* Find the duration of the pipeline.
* @return The duration of the pipeline, in nanoseconds.
long duration();
* Called to handle messages from the GStreamer bus.
* @param message The message to be handled.
void on_message(GstMessage *);
#endif /* CONFIG_TEST */
* Namespace for audio driver access.
namespace driver
* Called to access an audio driver.
* @return The current driver used by the application.
Driver *get_driver();