Bryan Schumaker e4a3b8902f build: Improve install target and create uninstall target
Install files in bin and lib.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Schumaker <bjschuma@gmail.com>
2012-06-02 11:50:32 -04:00

81 lines
2.0 KiB

import os, sys
import config
for argv in sys.argv:
split = argv.split("=")
if split[0] == "DESTDIR":
DESTDIR = split[1] + "/"
FLAGS = ["-O2"]
if config.DEBUG == True:
FLAGS = ["-Wall", "-Werror", "-g", "-DDEBUG"]
POSTFIX = "-debug"
env = Environment(CCFLAGS = FLAGS)
if ARGUMENTS.get('VERBOSE') != "1":
env.Append(CXXCOMSTR = "C++ $TARGET")
env.Append(LINKCOMSTR = "Linking $TARGET")
env.Append(CPPPATH = "include")
config.env = env
def directory(dirs):
objs = []
for dir in dirs:
files = SConscript("%s/Sconscript" % dir)
if files:
return objs
def app_directory(app, dirs):
name = config.application
config.application = app
ret = directory(dirs)
config.application = name
return ret
def symlink(target, source, env):
os.symlink(str(source[0]), str(target[0]))
ocarina = env.Program('bin/ocarina-player', directory(["libsaria", "ocarina"]))
oc_link = env.Command("ocarina.bin", "bin/ocarina-player", symlink)
oc_other = app_directory("ocarina", ["scripts", "images"])
Default([ocarina, oc_link, oc_other])
env.Alias("ocarina", [ocarina, oc_link, oc_other])
# Install bin/ and lib/
def install_dirs(dirs):
res = []
for dir in dirs:
target = os.path.join(config.PREFIX, dir)
for file in os.listdir(dir):
source = os.path.join(dir, file)
env.Install(target, source)
res += [target]
return res
dirs = install_dirs(["bin/", "lib/"])
env.Alias("install", dirs)
env.Command("uninstall", None, Delete(FindInstalledFiles()))
# Clean up the build directory
Clean(ocarina, ["include/version.h"])
# Create a tarball
def git_archive(target, source, env):
version = "%s.%s" % (MAJOR, MINOR)
if BUG != 0:
version += ".%s" % BUG
if EXTRA != "":
version += "-%s" % EXTRA
if DEBUG == True:
version += "-debug"
ocarina="ocarina-%s" % version
os.popen("git archive --prefix=%s/ -o %s.tar.gz HEAD" % (ocarina, ocarina))
print "md5sum:", os.popen("md5sum %s.tar.gz" % ocarina).read()
env.Command("archive", None, [git_archive])