"""Colorize xfstests.zsh output.""" import sys import re import termcolor PROTO_COLORS = {"tcp": "white", "rdma": "yellow"} STATUS_COLORS = {"Ran": "cyan", "Not run": "magenta", "Failures": "red"} VERS_COLORS = {"v3": "red", "v4.0": "green", "v4.1": "blue", "v4.2": "yellow"} PROTO = sys.argv[1] VERS = f"v{sys.argv[2]}" COLOR = VERS_COLORS[VERS] PROTO_COLOR = PROTO_COLORS[PROTO] CONFIG = [] PREFIX = termcolor.colored("[", "white", attrs=["bold"]) PREFIX += termcolor.colored(PROTO.rjust(4), PROTO_COLOR, attrs=["dark"]) PREFIX += termcolor.colored(",", "white", attrs=["bold"]) PREFIX += termcolor.colored(VERS.ljust(4), COLOR, attrs=["bold"]) PREFIX += termcolor.colored("] ", "white", attrs=["bold"]) def add_config(line: str) -> None: """Format a configuration entry and add it to the CONFIG list.""" [key, val] = [s.strip() for s in re.split("--", line)] if key == "MKFS_OPTIONS": return elif key == "MOUNT_OPTIONS" and val[:2] != "-o": return parts = [PREFIX] parts.append(termcolor.colored(key.ljust(14), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored("-- ", "white", attrs=["dark"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(val, "white", attrs=["bold"])) CONFIG.append("".join(parts)) def print_config() -> None: """Print out the collected configuration entries and clear the list.""" if len(CONFIG) > 0: print("\n".join(CONFIG), end="\n\n") CONFIG.clear() def print_test(match: re.Match) -> None: """Format and print a single testcase.""" parts = [PREFIX] parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(1), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) if m := re.match(r"(\[not run\])(.*?\n)", match.group(2)): return parts.append(termcolor.colored(m.group(1), "yellow")) parts.append(termcolor.colored(m.group(2), "white", attrs=["bold"])) elif m := re.match(r"(\d+s)( ... +)(\d+s\n)", match.group(2)): parts.append(termcolor.colored(m.group(1), "green")) parts.append(termcolor.colored(m.group(2), "white", attrs=["dark"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(m.group(3), "green")) elif re.match(r"\d+s\n", match.group(2)): parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(2), "green")) else: # Test failed line = re.sub(r"\]-", r"\] -", match.group(2)) parts.append(termcolor.colored(line, "magenta", attrs=["bold"])) print("".join(parts), end="") def print_diff(line: str) -> None: """Format and print out a single line of a failing test diff.""" print(PREFIX, end="") if re.match(r" +@@.*?@@\n", line): termcolor.cprint(line, color="yellow", attrs=["dark"], end="") elif re.match(r" +-", line): termcolor.cprint(line, color="magenta", attrs=["dark"], end="") elif re.match(r" +\+", line): termcolor.cprint(line, color="cyan", attrs=["dark"], end="") elif re.match(r" +\(Run", line): termcolor.cprint(line, color="magenta", attrs=["bold"], end="") else: termcolor.cprint(line, color="white", attrs=["dark"], end="") def print_test_list(status: str, line: str) -> None: """Format and print the list of tests that ran, failed, or were skipped.""" tests = dict() _tmp = [t.split("/") for t in line[len(status)+1:].split()] [tests.setdefault(t[0], []).append(t[1]) for t in _tmp] for key in sorted(tests.keys()): parts = [PREFIX] parts.append(termcolor.colored(status, STATUS_COLORS[status], attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(": ", "white", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(key, color=COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(": [", "white", attrs=["bold"])) for i, test_num in enumerate(sorted(tests[key])): sep = termcolor.colored(", ", attrs=["bold"] if i > 0 else "") if i != 0: parts.append(sep) attr = ["bold", "dark"] if i % 2 else ["bold"] parts.append(termcolor.colored(test_num, STATUS_COLORS[status], attrs=attr)) parts.append(termcolor.colored("]", "white", attrs=["bold"])) print("".join(parts)) def print_failed(match: re.Match) -> None: """Format and print the number of failing tests.""" parts = [PREFIX] parts.append(termcolor.colored("Failed ", "red", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(1), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(" of ", "red", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(2), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(" tests", "red", attrs=["bold"])) print("".join(parts)) def print_all_passed(match: re.Match) -> None: """Format and print a status line if all tests pass.""" parts = [PREFIX] parts.append(termcolor.colored("Passed all ", "green", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(1), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(" tests", "green", attrs=["bold"])) print("".join(parts)) def print_xunit(match: re.Match) -> None: """Format and print the xunit file location.""" parts = [PREFIX] parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(1), PROTO_COLOR, attrs=["dark", "bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(": ", "white", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(2), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) print("".join(parts)) def print_xfstestsdb(match: re.Match) -> None: """Format and print the xfstestsdb xunit-add line.""" parts = [PREFIX] parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(1).title(), PROTO_COLOR, attrs=["dark", "bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(" '", "white", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(2), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored("' ", "white", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(3), PROTO_COLOR, attrs=["dark", "bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(4), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(5), PROTO_COLOR, attrs=["dark", "bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(" #", "white", attrs=["bold"])) parts.append(termcolor.colored(match.group(6), COLOR, attrs=["bold"])) print("".join(parts)) for line in sys.stdin: if line == "\n": print_config() elif re.match("^[A-Z_]+[ ]+-- .*?\n", line): if match := re.match("(^PLATFORM(.*?)PREEMPT.*?) (.*?\n)", line): add_config(match.group(1)) line = f"COMPILED -- {match.group(3)}" add_config(line) elif match := re.match(r"(^[a-z]+/\d+[ | ]+)(.*?\n)", line): print_test(match) elif match := re.match("^ (.*?)\n", line): print_diff(line) elif match := re.match(r"^(Ran|Not run|Failures):([ a-z]+/\d+)+\n", line): print_test_list(match.group(1), line) elif match := re.match(r"^Failed (\d+) of (\d+) tests\n", line): print_failed(match) elif match := re.match(r"^Passed all (\d+) tests\n", line): print_all_passed(match) elif match := re.match(r"(^Xunit report): (.*?.xml)\n", line): print_xunit(match) elif match := re.match(r"(^added) '(.*?)' (with )" r"(\d+)( testcases to run) #(\d+)\n", line): print_xfstestsdb(match) else: print(PREFIX + line, end="")