Anna Schumaker 941308e246 makelinux.zsh: Various Updates
* Fixes to color output
* Added an option to cross compile for i686
* Use the new $COLORS variable for the location of the colors script

Signed-off-by: Anna Schumaker <>
2023-07-18 16:18:32 -04:00

40 lines
1.2 KiB

import sys
import os
import termcolor
import re
make_colors = dict()
make_attrs = dict()
def add_color_attr(field, color, *attrs):
make_colors[field] = color
make_attrs[field] = attrs
add_color_attr("Kernel:", "blue", "bold")
add_color_attr("is", "blue", "bold")
add_color_attr("ready", "blue", "bold")
add_color_attr("CC", "cyan", "bold")
add_color_attr("[M]", "magenta", "bold")
add_color_attr("MODPOST", "magenta", "bold")
add_color_attr("MODINFO", "magenta", "bold")
add_color_attr("DESCEND", "white", "dark")
add_color_attr("objtool", "yellow", "dark", "bold")
add_color_attr("LD", "yellow")
text = ""
while c :=
text += c
if text[0] == "#":
if re.match("^#(.*?)\n", text):
termcolor.cprint(text, "blue", attrs=["dark", "bold"], end="")
text = ""
elif c in (" ", "\n"):
if "/" in text or "(#" in text or os.path.exists(text):
color = "magenta" if re.match("module", text, re.I) else "white"
attrs = ["bold"]
color = make_colors.get(text.strip(), "green")
attrs = make_attrs.get(text.strip(), [])
termcolor.cprint(text, color, attrs=attrs, end="")
text = ""