slackpost: Updates for current email formatting

- Look for thread= lines
- Support posting to both channels and private groups

Signed-off-by: Anna Schumaker <>
This commit is contained in:
Anna Schumaker 2015-06-16 11:05:32 -04:00
parent 19496e737c
commit c5e15161bd
5 changed files with 60 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -35,3 +35,10 @@ def team():
def user():
return __USER
def find_thread(thread_id):
[ res ] = [ c for c in channels.list() if == thread_id ] or [ None ]
if res:
return res
[ res ] = [ g for g in groups.list() if == thread_id ] or [ None ]
return res

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@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ class Channel(threads.Thread):
def is_member(self):
return self.__member
def post(self, text):
chat.postMessage(self.__id, text)
def history(channel, timestamp):

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@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ class Message:
def postMessage(channel, text):
def post_message(channel, text):"chat.postMessage", token = auth.token(), channel = channel,
text = text, as_user = True, parse = "full")

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@ -63,8 +63,10 @@ class Thread:
return m_list
def unread_count(self):
if self.__unread == None:
return self.__unread
def post(self, text):
chat.post_message(self.__id, text)

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@ -6,31 +6,62 @@ import slack
import sys
from email.parser import Parser
headers = Parser().parsestr(
if headers['from'] != "Anna Schumaker <>":
# Only allow replies that come from the slack user's email address.
sender = headers["sender"].replace(".", "")
target = slack.user().email().replace(".", "")
if sender != target:
print("Reply not from user!")
# Determine which channel to post to
chan_id = headers["X-Slack-Channel"]
channel = None
for c in slack.channels.list():
if == chan_id:
channel = c
if channel == None:
# Look for our marker text to help find thread id
reply = "--- Reply above this line ---"
payload = headers.get_payload()
if payload.find(reply) == -1:
print("Reply line missing!")
split = headers.get_payload().split(reply)
lines = headers.get_payload().strip().split("\n")
for i in range(len(lines)):
if len(lines[i]) == 0:
if lines[i][0] == ">":
lines = lines[0:i-1]
# We should have a two element list. The thread id
# is in the text at the start of the second element.
thread_id = split[-1].split()[0]
if thread_id.find("thread=") == -1:
print("Thread ID missing!")
thread_id = thread_id[7:]
# Loop over each line of the reply, strip out special characters,
# and remove any "Reply sent on <whenever>" text. Note that we
# make the following assumptions:
# - The email reply will always have "Reply sent on <whenever>" text
# - There will always be a blank line between content and replied-on text
lines = []
for line in split[0].split("\n"):
lines += [ line.strip() ]
while lines[-1] != "":
lines.pop(len(lines) - 1)
text = ' '.join(lines).strip()
thread = slack.find_thread(thread_id)
if thread == None:
print("No such thread!")