#!/usr/bin/python import socket ################## # # # Default values # # # ################## CONTROLLER = socket.gethostname() SERVER = "localhost" RFID_PATH = "/dev/ttyUSB0" YELLOW_LED = 7 GREEN_LED = 11 RED_LED = 13 DOOR_STRIKE = 15 import os #################### # # # Read doorrc file # # # #################### for conf in [ "/etc/doorsrc", "./doorsrc" ]: if os.path.exists(conf): with open(conf) as f: exec(compile(f.read(), "doorsrc", 'exec')) import atexit import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #################### # # # Set up GPIO Pins # # # #################### GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) atexit.register(GPIO.cleanup) GPIO.setup(DOOR_STRIKE, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(RED_LED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(GREEN_LED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(YELLOW_LED, GPIO.OUT) OFF = GPIO.LOW ON = GPIO.HIGH def unlock_door(): print("Door is unlocked"); GPIO.output(DOOR_STRIKE, ON) GPIO.output(RED_LED, OFF) GPIO.output(GREEN_LED, ON) GPIO.output(YELLOW_LED, OFF) #When door is closed and locked def lock_door(): print("Door is locked"); GPIO.output(DOOR_STRIKE, OFF) GPIO.output(RED_LED, ON) GPIO.output(GREEN_LED, OFF) GPIO.output(YELLOW_LED, OFF); # Turn all LEDs on def leds_on(): GPIO.output(RED_LED, ON) GPIO.output(GREEN_LED, ON) GPIO.output(YELLOW_LED, ON) # Turn all LEDs off def leds_off(): GPIO.output(RED_LED, OFF) GPIO.output(GREEN_LED, OFF) GPIO.output(YELLOW_LED, OFF) def blink_leds(): print("Blinking LEDs") for i in range(5): if (i % 2) == 0: leds_on() else: leds_off() time.sleep(1) lock_door() lock_door() import time from urllib import request ############################################# # # # Verify a key with openings.workantile.com # # # ############################################# # Blocks for 5 seconds before resetting the door def verify_key(key): GPIO.output(YELLOW_LED, ON); with request.urlopen(SERVER + ("/%s" % key)) as f: if f.read().decode() == "OK": unlock_door() time.sleep(5) lock_door() #python-pyserial package. Not sure we need this. Grabbed based on #http://allenmlabs.blogspot.se/2013/01/raspberry-pi-parallax-rfid-reader.html import serial ################### # # # Run RFID Reader # # # ################### RFID_SERIAL = serial.Serial(RFID_PATH, 2400, timeout=1) def _do_read_rfid(): string = RFID_SERIAL.read(12) if len(string) == 0: print("No tag read") else: key = string[1:11].decode() #exclude start x0A and stop x0D bytes print(key) verify_key(key) RFID_SERIAL.flushInput() # ignore errors, no data def read_rfid(): try: _do_read_rfid() except Exception as e: print(e) lock_door() blink_leds() def loop(): while True: read_rfid() if __name__ == "__main__": loop()