5 xunit_properties
Anna Schumaker edited this page 2023-02-17 11:47:44 -05:00

The xunit_properties table is used as a key-value store to hold the "properties" section of each xfstests xunit file. This table has a UNIQUE constraint on (key, value) to cut down on duplication when key and value are the same across several xunit files. The xunit_properties_view view joins the xunit_properties table with the xunits table using the link_xunit_props table and provides a trigger to insert and link properties with xunits.


Name Type Description
propid INTEGER The ID of a property entry
key TEXT The property key
value TEXT The property value

The xunit_properties_view

Column Description
runid The runid of an xunit property
xunitid The xunitid for an xunit property
xunit The name of an xunit entry
key The property key
value The property value


Name When Description
insert_xunit_properties Instead of insert Add a new xunit property and insert into the link_xunit_props table