
249 lines
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# Copyright 2022 (c) Anna Schumaker
"""Base classes for database objects."""
import sqlite3
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gio
from gi.repository import Gtk
from .idle import Queue
from .. import store
class Row(GObject.GObject):
"""A single row in a database table."""
table = GObject.Property(type=Gio.ListModel)
def __init__(self, table: Gio.ListModel, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a database Row."""
super().__init__(table=table, **kwargs)
self.connect("notify", self.__notify)
def __notify(self, row: GObject.GObject, param: GObject.ParamSpec) -> None:
match param.name:
case "table": pass
case _: self.do_update(param.name)
def do_update(self, column: str) -> bool:
"""Update a Row in the database."""
return self.table.update(self, column, self.get_property(column))
def delete(self) -> bool:
"""Delete this Row."""
return self.table.delete(self)
def primary_key(self) -> None:
"""Get the primary key for this row."""
raise NotImplementedError
class Filter(Gtk.Filter):
"""A Filter that can be used to search playlists."""
n_keys = GObject.Property(type=int)
def __init__(self, keys: set | None = None, **kwargs):
"""Set up our Filter."""
self._keys = keys
self.n_keys = len(keys) if keys is not None else -1
def __sub__(self, rhs: Gtk.Filter) -> set[int]:
"""Subtract two Filters and return the result."""
match (self._keys, rhs._keys):
case (None, _): return None
case (_, None): return self._keys
case (_, _): return self._keys - rhs._keys
def __find_change(self, keys: set[any] | None) -> Gtk.FilterChange | None:
if keys == self._keys:
return None
elif keys is None:
return Gtk.FilterChange.LESS_STRICT
elif self._keys is None:
return Gtk.FilterChange.MORE_STRICT
elif keys.issuperset(self._keys):
return Gtk.FilterChange.LESS_STRICT
elif keys.issubset(self._keys):
return Gtk.FilterChange.MORE_STRICT
return Gtk.FilterChange.DIFFERENT
def changed(self, how: Gtk.FilterChange) -> None:
"""Notify that the filter has changed."""
self.n_keys = len(self._keys) if self._keys is not None else -1
def do_get_strictness(self) -> Gtk.FilterMatch:
"""Get the strictness of the filter."""
if self._keys is None:
return Gtk.FilterMatch.ALL
if len(self._keys) == 0:
return Gtk.FilterMatch.NONE
return Gtk.FilterMatch.SOME
def do_match(self, row: Row) -> bool:
"""Check if the Row matches the filter."""
return self._keys is None or row.primary_key in self._keys
def add_row(self, row: Row) -> None:
"""Add a Row to the Filter."""
if self._keys is not None:
def remove_row(self, row: Row) -> None:
"""Remove a Row from the Filter."""
if self._keys is not None:
def keys(self) -> set[any]:
"""Return the set of matching primary keys."""
return self._keys
def keys(self, keys: set[any] | None) -> None:
"""Set the matching primary keys."""
if (how := self.__find_change(keys)) is not None:
self._keys = keys
class Table(Gtk.FilterListModel):
"""An object that represents a database Table."""
sql = GObject.Property(type=GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT)
queue = GObject.Property(type=Queue)
store = GObject.Property(type=Gio.ListModel)
rows = GObject.Property(type=GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT)
loaded = GObject.Property(type=bool, default=False)
def __init__(self, sql: GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,
filter: Filter | None = None,
queue: Queue | None = None, **kwargs):
"""Set up our Table object."""
super().__init__(sql=sql, rows=dict(), incremental=True,
filter=(filter if filter else Filter()),
queue=(queue if queue else Queue()), **kwargs)
def __clear_rows(self) -> None:
self.loaded = False
def __contains__(self, row: Row) -> bool:
"""Check if the row is in the _rowid_map for this Table."""
return self.index(row) is not None
def do_construct(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Row:
"""Construct a new Row instance."""
raise NotImplementedError
def do_get_sort_key(self, row: Row) -> any:
"""Get a sort key for the requested row."""
return None
def do_sql_delete(self, row: Row) -> bool:
"""Delete a Row."""
raise NotImplementedError
def do_sql_glob(self, glob: str) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Select matching rowids using GLOB."""
raise NotImplementedError
def do_sql_insert(self, *args, **kwargs) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Create a new Row."""
raise NotImplementedError
def do_sql_select_all(self) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Return all rows from the table."""
raise NotImplementedError
def do_sql_select_one(self, *args, **kwargs) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Look up a single row."""
raise NotImplementedError
def do_sql_update(self, row: Row, column: str, newval) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Update a row."""
raise NotImplementedError
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Clear the table."""
def construct(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Row:
"""Construct a new Row instance."""
return self.do_construct(table=self, *args, **kwargs)
def create(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Row | None:
"""Create a new Row in the Table."""
if cur := self.do_sql_insert(*args, **kwargs):
return self.insert(self.construct(**cur.fetchone()))
def delete(self, row: Row) -> bool:
"""Delete a Row from the Table."""
if row in self and self.do_sql_delete(row).rowcount == 1:
del self.rows[row.primary_key]
return True
return False
def _filter_idle(self, glob: str) -> bool:
rows = self.do_sql_glob(glob).fetchall()
self.get_filter().keys = {row[0] for row in rows}
return True
def filter(self, glob: str | None, *, now: bool = False) -> None:
"""Filter the displayed Rows."""
if glob is not None:
self.queue.push(self._filter_idle, glob, now=now)
self.get_filter().keys = None
def get_sort_key(self, row: Row) -> tuple:
"""Get a sort key for the requested row."""
res = self.do_get_sort_key(row)
return res if res is not None else row.primary_key
def index(self, row: Row) -> int | None:
"""Find the index of a specific Row."""
if row.table is self:
return self.store.index(row)
def insert(self, row: Row) -> Row | None:
"""Insert a Row in sorted position."""
if row and row not in self:
return self.rows.setdefault(row.primary_key, row)
def _load_idle(self) -> bool:
cur = self.do_sql_select_all()
rows = [self.construct(**row) for row in cur.fetchall()]
self.rows = {row.primary_key: row for row in rows}
self.sql.emit("table-loaded", self)
return True
def load(self, *, now: bool = False) -> None:
"""Load the Table from the database."""
self.queue.push(self._load_idle, now=now)
def lookup(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Row | None:
"""Look up a Row in the database."""
row = self.do_sql_select_one(*args, **kwargs).fetchone()
return self.rows.get(row[0]) if row else None
def stop(self) -> None:
"""Stop any background work."""
def update(self, row: Row, column: str, newval) -> bool:
"""Update a Row."""
return self.do_sql_update(row, column, newval) is not None