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Anna Schumaker edited this page 2024-03-20 15:55:19 -04:00

Welcome to the Emmental Wiki, which is written to document the v3.x releases.

Database Design

Emmental 3 uses a SQLite database to store its settings, playlist, and track information. The SQLite configuration we use is documented here.


  • albums: Holds information about each album
  • album_artist_link: Links albums to artists
  • artists: Holds information about each artist
  • decades: Holds information about decades
  • genres: Holds information about each genre
  • libraries: Holds information about each library path
  • media: Holds information about each medium in an album
  • playlist_properties: Holds properties that all playlists have
  • playlists: Holds user and system playlist information
  • years: Holds information about years

