Anna Schumaker 17b2a82e20 db: Have Playlists use the child_set as the children base model
I combine this with the table's Filter object to show playlists matching
the current search query.

Signed-off-by: Anna Schumaker <Anna@NoWheyCreamery.com>
2023-06-23 11:37:47 -04:00

158 lines
6.2 KiB

# Copyright 2022 (c) Anna Schumaker
"""A custom Gio.ListModel for working with albums."""
import pathlib
import sqlite3
from gi.repository import GObject
from .media import Medium
from .. import format
from . import playlist
from . import tracks
class Album(playlist.Playlist):
"""Our custom Album with a ListModel representing mediums."""
albumid = GObject.Property(type=int)
artist = GObject.Property(type=str)
release = GObject.Property(type=str)
mbid = GObject.Property(type=str)
cover = GObject.Property(type=GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize an Album object."""
def add_medium(self, medium: Medium) -> None:
"""Add a Medium to this Album."""
def get_artists(self) -> list[playlist.Playlist]:
"""Get a list of artists for this album."""
return self.table.get_artists(self)
def get_media(self) -> list[Medium]:
"""Get a list of media for this album."""
return self.table.get_media(self)
def has_medium(self, medium: Medium) -> bool:
"""Check if a Medium is from this Album."""
return self.has_child(medium)
def remove_medium(self, medium: Medium) -> None:
"""Remove a Medium from this Album."""
return self.remove_child(medium)
def primary_key(self) -> int:
"""Get the Album primary key."""
return self.albumid
def parent(self) -> playlist.Playlist | None:
"""Get the parent playlist of this Album."""
artists = self.get_artists()
return artists[0] if len(artists) else None
class Table(playlist.Table):
"""Our Album Table."""
def __init__(self, sql: GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the Album Table."""
super().__init__(sql=sql, autodelete=True,
system_tracks=False, **kwargs)
def do_add_track(self, album: Album, track: tracks.Track) -> bool:
"""Verify adding a Track to the Album playlist."""
return track.get_medium().get_album() == album
def do_construct(self, **kwargs) -> Album:
"""Construct a new album."""
return Album(**kwargs)
def do_get_sort_key(self, album: Album) -> tuple[tuple, bool,
str, tuple, str]:
"""Get a sort key for the requested Artist."""
return (format.sort_key(album.name),
len(album.mbid) == 0, album.mbid.casefold(),
def do_remove_track(self, album: Album, track: tracks.Track) -> bool:
"""Verify removing a Track from the Album playlist."""
return True
def do_sql_delete(self, album: Album) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Delete an album."""
for artist in album.get_artists():
for medium in album.get_media():
return self.sql("DELETE FROM albums WHERE albumid=?", album.albumid)
def do_sql_glob(self, glob: str) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Search for albums matching the search text."""
return self.sql("""SELECT albumid FROM album_artist_view
OR CASEFOLD(medium) GLOB :glob""", glob=glob)
def do_sql_insert(self, name: str, artist: str,
release: str, *, mbid: str = "",
cover: pathlib.Path = None) -> sqlite3.Cursor | None:
"""Create a new album."""
if cur := self.sql("""INSERT INTO albums
(name, artist, release, mbid, cover)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
name, artist, release, mbid, cover):
return self.sql("SELECT * FROM albums_view WHERE albumid=?",
def do_sql_select_all(self) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Load albums from the database."""
return self.sql("SELECT * FROM albums_view")
def do_sql_select_one(self, name: str = None,
artist: str = None, release: str = None,
*, mbid: str = "") -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Look up an albums by name, mbid, artist, and release."""
where = ["mbid=?"]
args = [mbid.lower()]
if None not in (name, artist, release):
"CASEFOLD(artist)=?", "release=?"])
args.extend([name.casefold(), artist.casefold(), release])
return self.sql(f"""SELECT albumid FROM albums
WHERE {" AND ".join(where)}""", *args)
def do_sql_select_trackids(self, album: Album) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
"""Load an Album's Tracks from the database."""
return self.sql("""SELECT trackid FROM album_tracks_view
WHERE albumid=?""", album.albumid)
def do_sql_update(self, album: Album, column: str, newval) -> bool:
"""Rename an album."""
return self.sql(f"UPDATE albums SET {column}=? WHERE albumid=?",
newval, album.albumid)
def get_artists(self, album: Album) -> list[playlist.Playlist]:
"""Get the list of artists for this album."""
rows = self.sql("""SELECT artistid FROM album_artist_link
WHERE albumid=?""", album.albumid).fetchall()
artists = [self.sql.artists.rows.get(row["artistid"]) for row in rows]
return list(filter(None, artists))
def get_media(self, album: Album) -> list[Medium]:
"""Get the list of media for this album."""
return [self.sql.media.rows.get(id)
for id in self.get_mediumids(album)]
def get_mediumids(self, album: Album) -> set[int]:
"""Get the set of mediumids for this album."""
rows = self.sql("SELECT mediumid FROM media WHERE albumid=?",
return {row["mediumid"] for row in rows.fetchall()}