5 xunits
Anna Schumaker edited this page 2023-02-17 11:46:11 -05:00

The xunits table is used to store the metadata of each xfstest xunit file. There is also an xunits_view that joins the xunit table with the xfstests_runs table for easier queries.


Name Type Description
xunitid INTEGER The ID of this xunit entry
runid INTEGER The rowid of the xfstests run this file is attached to
timestamp TIMESTAMP The timestamp reported by xfstests, converted to UTC
name TEXT The name used to describe the file
hostname TEXT The hostname of the machine running xfstests
tests INTEGER The number of test cases
failed INTEGER The number of failing test cases
skipped INTEGER The number of skipped test cases
time INTEGER The total time to run xfstests

The xunits_view view

Column Description
runid The rowid of an xfstests run
device The device for an xfstests run
name The xunit name
hostname The xunit hostname
tests The number of test cases
failed The number of failing test cases
skipped The number of skipped test cases
passed The number of passing test cases (tests - (failed + skipped))
time The total time to run xfstests
timestamp The xunit timestamp, converted to localtime