3 years
Anna Schumaker edited this page 2023-05-10 17:03:03 -04:00

The years table holds information for year playlists.


Name Type Description
year INTEGER The year
propertyid INTEGER The rowid of this year's properties


Name When Description
years_insert_trigger After insert Create a new row in the playlist_properties table
years_delete_trigger After delete Delete this year's entry in the playlist_properties table

The years_view

The years_view joins the years table with the playlist_properties table so the application can use one query to access all the relevant state for each year.

Column Description
year The year
propertyid The rowid of the playlist_properties for this year
name The year formatted as a string
active The active state of this year
loop The loop state of this year
shuffle The shuffle state of this year
sort_order The sort order of this year
current_trackid The current trackid of this year

The year_tracks_view

The year_tracks_view joins the years table with the tracks and libraries tables to form a list of tracks that belong to each year, but are not being deleted.

Column Description
trackid The trackid of the track
year The year